The beginning is nigh…

Hello everyone,

I have finally listed my upcoming book since the release is getting nearer. The book is in the process of being reviewed at the moment by Kirkus reviews, Fore Word Clarion and BlueInk review. Once that is done, positively if I may add, the book will be on its course for the big release.

Iblis (Arabic for Devil) is now present on Goodreads shelves, if your fingers are itching to add an upcoming book for your summer read, then scratch that index finger of yours right here.

Iblis on goodreads


Oh, and one more thing. If it manages to reach 1000 before the big release, I will reveal the first three chapters from the book, which will surely leave you wanting more 🙂


~ A. H. Amin



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Always wright your writing skills, it’s the right rite…


‘The moment we stop learning we start dying’ ~ (Michael Scott)

Do you start doing push-ups? Do you climb stairs holding two buckets of water? What means are there to weld a proper skill for a writer to gain?

Let’s start by reading, shall we? And by that I don’t mean what’s next I’ll be typing in particular, I mean really reading. Books, novels and novella. Reading a lesson is one thing, learning it is another. There are a lot of power points you can pick from reading, but you have to know what to pick up. The best gift you can gain from reading is your own writing style, trying not to copy an author’s but instead, try to learn how would you make it differently? How a scene can be better instead? What was the negative and how can you change it? Too little description or too much?
My advice is to read both old and new novels, old stories because, let’s face it, most of them are really good, the reason why I truly believe that is because, unlike today, there were no easy edits and other perks that came with the computers, instead they used pens and typewriters…. In other words, writing was really a tiresome process, so most authors won’t write unless they have something really good to offer. Reading new novels is essential for a good reason; to learn how writing has evolved, for the old writing styles were there for their own era.
So let’s see… How else an author sharpens his/ her writing edge? Well… Does a runner train by walking? My point is, write… Keep writing, read what you wrote as a harsh critic, and re-write what you wrote.
Here is something I posted previously that hopefully will shed more light on the art of writing.
My writing advices.

The First Look At The Second Book Of The Psychs Series, IblÄ«s…

iblis book cover great

Click for actual size…


Iblis… the second book of the Psychs series. A fiction thriller that follows the story of a man named Hassan with eight ghosts by his side. Armed with their knowledge and strengthened with their help, he will use their ghostly features, and his many skills to have a chance at a personal score.

Here is the synopsis:

Following his leads, Hassan will find himself roaming the streets of London for reprisal. Even with eight spirits by his side, which are connected to him by the tragic event of his birth, he will feel outnumbered, going against the Minerva Group and its limitless arsenal of agents and brutes. Hassan will desperately try his best to stay out of their reach until he finds a way to cut his losses short.

But being too deep in the belly of the beast, he may end up losing more; his life, or even worse… his sanity.

Iblis (Arabic for Devil) is coming soon this summer. (Teaser video)

Here’s a short video, filtered from spoilers that explains the story of the first novel. (Previously on Psychs)




~ A. H. Amin

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An Echo away from Omega…


So today is the big day… the jigsaw pieces are becoming whole, with only one missing till you can see the full picture. Alpha gave us a video that tells the first story of the series, then came Beta and Charlie to shed a light on the upcoming book and the time of release, and Delta explained the hidden meaning behind my title, Iblis (Arabic for Devil). So what is Echoing through this post?

I will tell you…

This is the last post before revealing the cover. So here we are, Ground-Zero… So before we commence later today, I hope everyone gets debriefed and read the previous posts.

– The Alpha post for the reveal week…

– Beta As It May…

– Charlie’s Bit my blog..

– Delta for Devil…

iblis teaser 4


~ A. H. Amin

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